Through my site: Delivered as a 26-page letter-sized PDF. Approximately 11,000 words.
By Ascended Master Djehuty
Channeled by Tom Jacobs
As I prepared the home-study course Cerealia: Finding Ceres Within that took place in April 2019, my conversations with Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin) covered a lot of ground about nurturing, self-validation, and self-care.
The Cerealia daily texts did not specifically cover issues related to emotional eating, yet I wanted to share with the attendees channeled material about them. Djehuty’s role for humanity is to answer questions to serve our evolution no matter what we need to evolve, and this ebook is the result of my continued questioning about the topic.
The text outlines in detail how to understand and deal with the kinds of emotional triggers that have us eating for emotional reasons, or distraction and escape from what we feel.
Djehuty is always a gentle teacher who emphasizes the importance of having compassion for ourselves, and this teaching is no exception. I’m proud to be able to offer you this positive, life-affirming, compassion-inducing view on dealing with emotional eating issues.
26 pages, $5. Purchase using PayPal here.