I’ve set aside 15 energetically programmed onyx pieces, infused with Archangel Metatron’s calibrating and empowering frequency, for $5 each plus USPS shipping. On the linked page, look for the “Memorial Day 2019 Invitation” below the video.
Normally $22 plus shipping, I’m offering these in the spirit of spreading the word about a tool that can help people with trauma and PTSD, whether veteran or not. This is open to all–you don’t have be a veteran to take advantage of this, but thinking about Memorial Day and the very real and pressing issues of PTSD and suicide prevalent among veterans inspired me to put this together.
These pieces simultaneously give off an energy that will pull to the surface deeper things that hurt and disempower you while giving you a positive boost to face them in empowered ways.
This is a very Plutonian process, and can help you step out of negative Plutonian energies.
The key to shadow work, or working through the most difficult emotions, is learning that we can face and move through them. We often fear being taken over by them, and a programmed onyx will provide a boost to work in conscious ways with what is the hardest to deal with.
Read more, watch a video on my programmed onyx, and order yours here.
Also check out the Processing Trauma and Grief mp3 set, which is now $52. There are 4 mp3s totaling 60 minutes, and are inspired by and meant to pair with the programmed onyx.
They’re recordings of 4 calls I did a few years ago channeling Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron. As meditation/energy work calls, you can use them multiple times to gently descend into the spaces in your energy field where grief, trauma, anger, and hopelessness reside, and repeatedly bring light to these shadows.