Unraveling Karma Episode 29

Evolutionary Astrologer, Energy Worker, Channel, and Medium Tom Jacobs (tdjacobs.com; healingsuicide.com) revives his popular podcast Unraveling Karma in video form.

Check out a couple dozen of the original Unraveling Karma episodes in audio format:

Episode 29 answers Gina’s question about her Saturn square the Midheaven and conjunct the Moon and North Node about work. Dorthe’s question is about what transiting Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in her 5th house are asking her to let go of and make empowered decisions about.

For each, Tom considers a handful of karmic-story and other chart factors to explain how to live with the energies in more conscious, intentional, healthy ways.

Soul’s Journey Soundbite Database:

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Soul’s Journey Soundbite MP3 Readings–a 30-minute overview of your own karmic/multilife journey, including tips on how to change your karmic patterns:

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Evolutionary Astrology Basics I Home-Study Course–this is where to begin to learn EA with Tom:

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