Evolutionary Astrologer, Energy Worker, Channel, and Medium Tom Jacobs (tdjacobs.com; healingsuicide.com) revives his popular podcast Unraveling Karma in video form. Check out a couple dozen of the original Unraveling Karma […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 29
Evolutionary Astrologer, Energy Worker, Channel, and Medium Tom Jacobs (tdjacobs.com; healingsuicide.com) revives his popular podcast Unraveling Karma in video form. Check out a couple dozen of the original Unraveling Karma […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 27
In this final episode of “Unraveling Karma,” I explain the recent stations direct of Chiron and Neptune, and their conjunction in Pisces and Aquarius, respectively. Then I go into Neptune’s […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 26
In this episode, I take a look at the members of the Cardinal t-square we’ve been talking about since last year – Saturn is now direct in Libra, Uranus has […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 25
This is a discussion with a friend of mine, from last week, initially on Eris. We get into PMS, PMDD, allopathic approaches to health – and other things. A different […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 23
I announce the new Chiron MP3 course and answer two listener questions. Elke writes to ask about taking a major leap in her life soon and Dana asks about her […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 22
I explore projection in relationship relative to Saturn’s current transit through Libra, the sign of the other. Birgitta asks about finding fulfilling work and Beth asks about what relationship karma […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 21
In this episode I answer Lourdes’ question about how the Cardinal t-square is affecting her and Livan’s question about when he will go to Europe. https://www.tdjacobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ukep21.mp3
Unraveling Karma Episode 20
I discuss and explain the Pluto square for the generation with natal Pluto in Libra (born 1971-2 to 1984), look at Amanda Knox’s karma, and answer listener Wendy’s question about […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 19
Departing from the usual format, I talk about an example of unraveling karma from my own life and then offer some recent thoughts on the process of healing and releasing […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 18
Robin Blue writes in to ask about feeling like she has a “wait” or “hold” order from life, and also about her two yods. I address her having manifested deception […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 17
Amanda asks about how to understand the effect on her of an intense romantic relationship, and I do a karmic profile of singer/songwriter George Michael. https://www.tdjacobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ukep17.mp3
Unraveling Karma Episode 16
This is a recent interview with Tom Jacobs on Abstract Illusions Radio with host Jennifer Hillman on his new book The Soul’s Journey I: Astrology, Reincarnation, and Karma with a […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 15
Jan asks about her craving for passionate relationship while she does everything she can to avoid having it. Robin asks about her path regarding her nodes and says she feels […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 14
I answer Omie’s question from Episode 13 with corrected birth data. Kayla asks about her nodal story and what her soul is up to, as well as if some of […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 12
Melineh in Los Angeles asks about major life transitions including a new job, and I look at Hillary Rodham Clinton’s chart in terms of her Mars-Pluto-Arjunsuri-Saturn in Leo square the […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 11
Kate asks about her potential to use astrology in her psychotherapy practice, James asks about his karma with family. https://www.tdjacobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ukep11.mp3
Unraveling Karma Episode 10
Sharon in Sebastopol asks about transiting Pluto conjuncting her natal Arjunsuri and opposing natal Mercury, and Rob in New York City asks about his need to be heard in the […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 9
Crystal asks about anxiety and how to address it, and Lindsey asks for ideas about reconciling being a woman with strong Lilith sexual energy in a world that sends mixed […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 8
Quin and Christina ask about relationship issues. https://www.tdjacobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ukep8.mp3
Unraveling Karma Episode 7
Gloria asks in what ways she’s to be of service, and Joanna asks about the karma she’s playing out in her relationships. https://www.tdjacobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ukep7.mp3
Unraveling Karma Episode 6
Erin in Texas asks about her North Node ruler conjunct her South Node, and Melissa in Illinois asks about the source of her apathy. https://www.tdjacobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ukep6.mp3
Unraveling Karma Episode 5
Lori in Minnesota asks about the karmic source of a health issue. Kit in LA asks about what he’d be in for if he were to move to Paris. https://www.tdjacobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ukep5.mp3
Unraveling Karma Episode 4
The second part of a talk entitled “Unraveling Karma” I gave in November 2007 (the first part is episode 3). I go into two example charts in detail to look […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 2
Episode 2: A. Felicia asks about her puzzling effect on men and if it’s related to Lilith. B. I comment on the chart of a friend, who has in recent […]
Unraveling Karma Episode 1
Episode 1: A. Series introduction. B. Julia writes with a mental health question. C. Charity writes to ask if recent major life changes fit with her soul’s journey in this […]