A webinar to learn how to work effectively with affirmations.
Sunday, January 12, 2020 from 11 AM-1:15 PM Pacific time. Open to 5.
As a divine being, you are energetically powerful. All that you think, believe, and feel creates your experiences into existence around you. This workshop will teach you more about the ins and outs of being an energetic being who can change your vibration and improve your life using affirmations.
You’ll learn:
- What happens in your consciousness when you begin doing an affirmation
- How to work with what comes up as a result (what’s missing from most teachings on the subject)
- How to fine-tune the process to identify the right affirmation for a given situation
- How to ensure you effectively raise your vibration using it
With the help of your spirit guides and the ascended master I channel (Hermes, a.k.a. Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin), I’ll help you identify specific affirmations tailored to what you’re ready to shift in your life.
Though not an astrology class, in the process I’ll consider particular patterns in your astrology chart and will create affirmations for you focused on what you want to change in your life, though you do not need to know any astrology to benefit from this process.
Investment: $65 for nonsubscribers/the public, $55 for subscribers to my monthly service. Limited to 5. Nonsubscribers register via PayPal here or contact me for another form of payment. Subscribers, contact me and I’ll invoice you for the right amount.