Root Chakra Incubator begins July 26, 2024

Read the full story and register.

What: A 7-week coaching and learning process with me for individuals to heal personal root-chakra issues while creating community to support one another.

Who: Anyone with root-chakra issues they desire to explore, unravel, balance, and heal (see the list of potential themes below).

When: 7 weeks beginning July 26, 2024. You’ll have 3 private coaching calls with me over the 7 weeks that fit your schedule. Optional group calls are staggered.

Why: Issues in our roots, or 1st chakras, are denser than all other issues and often harder to address and heal. The root or 1st chakra is activated at birth, and inner-child and -infant parts of us carry the emotional and energetic imprints that give us trouble throughout life. Any and all energetic inheritances from our families and our family relationships themselves relate to our root chakras. Worldview and if we feel welcome, too.

Life issues and themes a person might bring in:

  • Unresolved family issues of any kind from childhood or the present
  • A need to heal abandonment, adoption/fostering, rejection, or abuse issues of any kind
  • Unprocessed inner child stuff of any kind
  • Unprocessed ancestral energies of any kind (incl. intergenerational trauma)
  • Feeling invalid/invalidated as a person or as your unique self
  • Feeling unwelcome or that you don’t belong
  • Feeling unsafe on Earth, in your body, in the world
  • Feeling lost on the planet or lack a sense of purpose
  • Being out of touch with your body’s needs (can’t remember to drink enough water, etc.)
  • A history of eating issues/emotional eating/body-image issues
  • If you don’t want to be in your body/on the planet
  • A longing for reconnection with Spirit/the Great Beyond but are nevertheless here, etc. (“I hope this is my last life,” “I never wanted to be here/be born”, etc.)
  • You don’t know if you can “adult”
  • Feeling like a victim of family, life, the Universe, etc.
  • Adult relationships mirror painful childhood/family relationships
  • You can’t get out of your head/intellect and into your body and heart