About Tom Jacobs

My job is to help you sort through emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and patterns that don’t work – so you can release them. I’m all about giving you the tools of […]


I’ve written or channeled 17 books and ebooks covering astrology, mythology, and spirituality. Available formats include paperback (through me and Amazon), Kindle ebooks, and PDF ebooks.

Grounding Meditation

This 13-minute grounding meditation is a great first step in grounding, opening the heart, clearing energy from your field, and setting a good tone at the beginning and end of […]

Healing Courses

My work includes both astrology and meditative/spiritual mp3 home study courses to help you evolve beyond consensus reality and move into the Aquarian Age. See “Learn Astrology” for astrology courses. […]

Original Audio on SoundCloud

Hear my original audio on astrology, spirituality, crystals, and human evolution on SoundCloud. The archive of my popular The Soul’s Journey Podcast is finding its way there, too.     […]

Channeled Audio

I’ve been channeling Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin) since 2008 and Archangel Metatron for others since 2012. The result is a varied back list of powerful […]

Learn Astrology

I offer a handful of ways to learn astrology from and with me. The Soul’s Journey Soundbite Database Tutoring Astrology Courses Astrology MP3s

The Chiron Natal Report

This original natal report covers a unique, healing approach to the centaur Chiron in your natal chart. First I cover house and sign, then natal aspects, transits and progressions to […]

The Chakra Course

A 9-part mp3 course (including an intro mp3 for each of 2 parts) that replaces the popular Intuitive Skills Development Level 1 course I taught for a number of years. […]

Readings & Consultations

My current offerings: Live: 30- or 60-minute Intuitive/EA Reading Live: Intuitive/EA Coaching for 4 weeks Prerecorded: Soul’s Journey Multilife Overview MP3 Reading    

Profile: Novelist Philip Roth

Recently I watched “Elegy,” a film based on Philip Roth’s novel The Dying Animal. Sir Ben Kingsley, Patricia Clarkson and Peter Sarsgaard cast in the same film are enough to […]