Do I care for you if I listen to your problems?
What about if I give you hints on how to do something better?
Is it loving to do something for you that you need to learn to do for yourself or is it loving to stay out of your way so you can figure it out on your own?
Do I care for you if I hold expectations of you?
Am I loving you if I give you free rein to live your life without my input?
What about if I try to protect you from the truth?
What about if I refuse to protect you from the truth even if hurts?
The opposition between Cancer and Capricorn is coming into the full light of conscious awareness as we prepare for the Capricorn Full Moon that occurs tomorrow at 11:51 am Pacific at 12 Capricorn 13.
The Sun is in Cancer. It puts light – and therefore awareness – on belonging, safety, security, connection, home and hearth, vulnerability, and the emotional side of life, the personal side of life. Since the Sun entered this sign about 11 days ago we’ve been focused on or aware of these issues and whenever that happens, we might think about the past. We might look at the remnants carried in us now of relationships and situations that didn’t end well, and we might wish we had some resolution. During this time we’re aware of how we have been shaped by our past experiences and for many, this can include how the family chosen by soul to be born to and/or raised by shaped them. With the Sun in Cancer, we all need to figure out how better to express our lunar natures. Easier for some than others but we are all in the same boat: invited to be more aware of what’s in our hearts and how to live with whatever that is and each other.
The Moon is as of this writing almost in Capricorn. This will draw our feeling sensibilities to being aware of structure and the need for discipline, maturity, realism, and practicality when it comes to lunar stuff that’s been coming up due to the Sun’s visit in the sign of the Moon.
This Full Moon is about seeing with clarity more about whom in our lives is responsible for what.
Pluto in Capricorn the last four and half years and Saturn in Libra more recently have been urging us to figure that out. This lunation tomorrow morning opens a door for our feelings about our histories and the impact our families have had on us into clarity.
Whatever we might be holding on to about what our families didn’t do but we wished they had or had done but wished they had not done can be released. This Full Moon invites you to get real about who you are in this present moment and accept that the family you were born in and/or raised by has been chosen by your soul to provide the karmic incubator that you need to learn along your journey as Divine Intelligence seeking to learn how to live as a human, which is the core reason each of us is here in the first place.
Responsibility is a hot-button word for many in the metaphysical/new agey world. We’re all to take it for ourselves and let our parents go and release everyone and be our own kinds of adults and and and… I offer you that no matter what was going on in your family system when you were born and as you grew up it was for the benefit of your Divine learning journey and that the souls involved are all in a loving conspiracy to provide each other the opportunities they need to evolve.
For this Full Moon, look at what you might hold others responsible for – past and present – and explore taking responsibility for being an embodied soul creating everything you need to learn while a human. Using your chart I can tell you in detail in a reading what those learning experiences are – book a session through my site to get the story on yours. I can tell you all about your family using your chart alone. This is possible because the truth about your family is that they have been chosen to provide you the needed karmic incubators for your multilife learning journey, of which your birth chart is the map.
Can you accept responsibility for all that you have experienced?
Are you willing to take back your vitality and life force from what hurt you in the past and what you thought it meant?
We are all learning about love – where it comes from, what it is, who is responsible for giving it – all of us. We grow, heal, and evolve by becoming willing to love ourselves in all the ways we need – even in ways that others have not loved or could not love us. With this Full Moon, learn more about your version of the shape of love and how you can evolve beyond your conditioning when it comes to this basic currency of energetic and spiritual health.
Tonight I will lead a channeled conference call bringing through the wisdom of the Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth and St. Germain) to help you clear family history from the past that you still carry and come into being more present and grounded so you can run your life as you wish and need.
Callers to these Full Moon Grounding and Release calls report profound changes as a result of receiving and using the affirmations and energy work offered by Djehuty to all callers. Yes, that’s right – Djehuty and I do energy work that supports healing on multiple levels and across time. Each call focuses on the theme of the Full Moon that month and tonight it is all about the past and who you have been shaped to be as well as who you are in this present moment and how to release the past to enable more happiness, health, and satisfaction during your time on Earth.
6 pm Pacific/9 pm Eastern time tonight, July 2nd, for one hour. Offered on a donation basis on a sliding scale of $10-25. Register up to a half hour before the call via PayPal here and I will send you the dial-in information prior to the call.
I hope you can join us! These calls are important for our evolution because we cannot increase clarity and raise consciousness without clearing out the past. Full Moons are wonderful times for clearing because something has come up into the full light of awareness and is ripe to be released.
Check my site for the recording later tonight after the call. The same donation system will get you the MP3 to use on your own time. Djehuty’s energy work will happen for you even after the call is over – you do not need to be on the call to benefit from this amazing work.
Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Medium, and Channel helping you understand and do what your soul came here to do. Eleven books including the new Lilith: Healing the Wild, two original natal reports, and numerous astrology and channeled MP3s are available through Get a discounted and amazing reading all about Lilith in your chart for a limited time.