Thus far, the first 9 of 142 episodes are uploaded to hear for free on SoundCloud, where I’m doing audio these days.
I did this radio show weekly for just about 3 years (2012-2015). The archive covers all the kinds of work I do and holds many insights into how I’ve been taught to see you, life, the world, and everything by an ascended master, an archangel, and the spirits of the dead both processed (“went into the light”) and unprocessed (still hanging/wandering around the Earth plane and needing to go).
We’re in a paradigm shift, moving from going with the flow (Piscean Age) into self-directed, individuated choices (Aquarian Age). I’m fortunate to have access to some teachings that might help you unwind and release the past so you can move ahead with conscious intention. The TSJ archive is full of tools and tricks to help you help you do that.