Taurus New Moon Channeled Meditation, 06May16

Taurus 2016 Taurus new moon chartThe Taurus new moon takes place tomorrow, 06May16, at 12:29pm Pacific time. The new channeled meditation is now recorded and available.

Subscribers: It’s uploaded now to the Taurus 2016 folder.

Others can download it here for $8.

The description from the page linked above: Following grounding and clearing your energy field of old and others’ energies, Ascended Master Djehuty explains how he sees the opportunity of the new moon. He focuses on discerning and analyzing where your resources (time, energy, money, attention) are going. He discusses the conjunction to retro Mercury, the trine to retro Jupiter in Virgo, the trine to retro Pluto in Capricorn, and the sextile to Neptune in Pisces.
