Sun in Sagittarius Forecast

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This month, Sagittarius 2019, is the 72nd month of my subscription forecasting service.

Each month I go into depth with an evolutionary astrology forecast to help you live with more sanity and intention, and the make the most of your time on Earth. My focus on astrology is as a language of life, and on you is as a spiritual being learning to become more conscious over time.

Read all the details and subscribe monthly or yearly here:

The subscription service also features a class about 10 times each year, half including minireadings, and numerous perk rates for programmed crystals, consultations, coaching, mp3s, books, classes, and more.

Recently I introduced two levels:
–Level I includes the forecasts, perks, class, a channeled message from A.M. Djehuty, and more.
–Level II includes all of that plus a monthly call with me for you to get a guidance check-in with your spirit guidance team, Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin), or any other being that might want to come through.