Chiron recently entered Aries, shifting its energy considerably from the absorbency and openness of Pisces to the self-directed call of Aries to be courageous.
I encourage people to move away from the idea that Chiron can be either wounded or the wounded healer, and that these two roles are the only ones open to Chironic people.
When we understand Chiron as a marker of energetic and emotional sensitivity, we can see wounding and healing as responses to it. It’s a very different view, and I love seeing the light bulbs go off for people when they open their minds to this approach.
To get the full story on my unique approach this centaur, check out The Chiron Course (11.5 hours of audio cover myth, archetype, and astrology – click here then scroll down), its transcription Chiron, 2012, and the Aquarian Age, and the Chiron Natal Report, which explains your natal Chiron placement and aspects, as well as transits and progressions to Chiron and transits of Chiron to your chart.
First, a return in astrology is when a body transiting in the sky hits the same degree and minutes as your own natal placement of that body. An infusion of energy results, making the body louder in your personality, or making you louder in expressing it.
With Chiron, it’s about sensitivity to energy and emotion. We’re so sensitive to others’ energies that we can believe they’re rejecting us when they’re not. That sense of being rejected starts when we’re very young, often as infants, and a part of us gets shaped to believe that if we express a particular part of ourselves, we’ll lose love and support.
Around the Chiron return at age 50 (since Chiron’s orbit around the Sun is 50.42 years), it’s normal for a person to be much more sensitive to a few things in self and other. These include emotions, needs, pain/suffering, loneliness, and rejection issues.
If the Chironic infant within us doesn’t mature at some point, then we’re carrying around a part of self hypersensitive to rejection, one who is accustomed to making mountains out of mole hills about how he or she isn’t loved, safe, supported, or worthy of investment and care.
At the Chiron return, this part of the self will be more on the surface. Many find they need to spend more time alone to process feelings and external stimulation from normal, day-to-day living, wondering what’s wrong with them.
But nothing is. It’s that a door into making emotionally supportive contact with a wounded, rejected inner kid is open, and that first looks like the kid sharing through your feelings in the moment what he or she is experiencing.
For those with Chiron natally in Aries (births from April 1968 to March 1977, minus some at the beginning and end of that period when it dips into or retros to an adjacent sign), the Chironic wounding from infancy is about desire, self-assertion, and the perception of having the right to say “yes” and “no” when appropriate.
A person with this placement might assert an opinion or idea but take way too personally when others don’t respond, criticize him or her, or want something else. Conflict is an especially important issue for those with this placement, as there’s a wounding to the warrior spirit, specifically in knowing that one has the right to stand up for the self and, if necessary, defend against threats.
In some, it can feel that they don’t have the right to exist. This can make for some unhelpful beliefs about how worthy the person is in general.
At the Chiron return, these people will experience a heightened sensitivity to issues surrounding anger, violence, intimidation, desire, sexuality, and will. They may feel a great deal of frustration because they (believe they) can’t have what they want, or if something is taken away from them or they have to compete with someone else for something.
If they have lived with a suppressed and stifled will for most of their lives due to the original wounding of rejection in infancy, at the Chiron return it could be that anger rises to the surface in new ways, and with new intensity. If they haven’t been shown how to deal with anger – especially if they’ve been taught that anger is inappropriate and they shouldn’t feel it – then there could be some emotional eruptions as the inner infant comes to the surface and the person simply can no longer hide this very real part of the self.
All Chiron returns challenge us to get more in touch with our needs, feelings, and past hurts. In Aries, it’s a lot about the need to be treated as sovereign (in charge of one’s life), potential feelings of inadequacy when it comes to standing up for the self, and past hurts from when their will and desire were stifled, ignored, shamed, or overlooked.
The return for those with Chiron in Aries will last over a year, for some upwards of two. But the questions that arise can in some take longer to deal with. If you have this placement, be easy on yourself and take the time you need to tune into what you feel and need, and what about you might feel insecure about.
The door is open around your return to feel more vulnerable, to need to admit more emotional sensitivity – and tend to it in mature, responsible ways. You must become now the parent for your inner infant that you needed when you were young.
To get the full story on my unique approach this centaur, check out The Chiron Course (11.5 hours of audio cover myth, archetype, and astrology – click here then scroll down), its transcription Chiron, 2012, and the Aquarian Age, and the Chiron Natal Report, which explains your natal Chiron placement and aspects, as well as transits and progressions to Chiron and transits of Chiron to your chart